1 Start System Test"Rule"
requires electric start outboard consecutive starts 12 times, you
should pay attention to time constraints, each start time of less than
5s, each time you start interval of 15s, in order to avoid the battery
and starter motor damage.2 outboard motors runningNewly built and overhauled outboard, should use the manual toRequirements for running tests. Running should dinghy is unloaded, sailing under the state. General
requirements for 10h running-in the run-in period prohibition 5min
above under full sail, but it does not allow prolonged idling. "Rule"
does not require outboard do mooring trials, according to the outboard
motor characteristics, mooring trials engine load test should be avoided
whenever possible. Navigation test shall outboard running after the end of, or a combination of running tests. Load test must be run-in period after the end.3 outboard motor commutationOutboard by mechanical clutch system can achieve real-time clutch and commutation. Tests should mainly be checked manipulator installation, adjustment is in place, an empty car if the tape discharge phenomenon. Commutation mechanism adjustment is not in place will cause clutch teeth and the gear skid wear and gearbox damage. Hanging file after the engine should not stall, and can maintain a stable idle speed.4 outboard boat speed measurementFiberglass boat's
speed should be measured at the completion of the following checks: 1
boat is fully loaded condition; 2 confirm outboard has been according to
the instruction run; 3 outboard engine idling, the fuel air mixture
ratio and ignition timing is properly adjusted; 4 under ship,
load, outboard models such as choosing the right pitch propeller,
making the outboard motor full throttle operation when the engine speed
at the rated range; 5 by adjusting the ship center of gravity and load
distribution, outboard motor trim angle and the balance board position, dinghy Navigation State adjusted to the best condition.
5 boats turning and steering testShips should be operating full rudder tests. In
the parade full rudder in the case, and gradually increase the engine
speed until the ship heeling angle of 12 °, and this speed is credited
certificate is thin, the test shall be at each side of the at least
three times. "Rules"
for turning test no specific requirements, reference may be operating
full rudder tests, recorded in a certain engine speed, the ship turnDiameter and angle of heel. Trials
should pay attention to control outboard motor speed, so that the ship
heeling angle less than 12 °, and should be avoided due to the ship
heeling caused outboard propeller was empty and the engine speed rises
suddenly coaster phenomenon.